Matthew J. Criscione
3-D Printing
I am experimenting with the wonders of 3-D Printing. I am very interested in creating avian orthotics and braces. I have successfully designed and implemented 3-D printed orthotics for a Red-Tailed Hawk, chicken, and a goose. I also designed a plate for a turtle that had a plastron fracture.
Integrating Photobiomodulation with Surgical Treatment of Bone Fractures in Avian Wildlife
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine:
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Mentors: Dr. Lorrie Hale DVM, MS, CTCMVP, GCTCHP, CTPEP; Dr. Mark Mitchell DVM, PhD, MS, DECVM (Herpetology) *Criscione, M.J., Mitchell, M.A., ^Hale-Mitchell, L.K.
Evidence for shortening the time to orthopedic hardware removal in avian patients by combining photobiomodulation with surgery. National Institutes of Health; Morris Veterinary Scholars, $6459, 2022.
Double PII Herbal Medicine Effects in Canines
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine:
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Mentors: Dr. Lorrie Hale DVM, MS, CTCMVP,GCTCHP, CTPEP; Dr. Reanna Cantrall DVM
• Assessed the effectiveness of administering Double PII to canines versus the placebo.
• Assisted with blood draws and running CBC and Chemistry panels.
Anesthetic concentrations of Alfaxalone in Angelfish
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine:
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Mentors: Dr. Mark Mitchell DVM, PhD, MS, DECVM (Herpetology); Dr. Shelby Nester DVM
• Assessed the safest concentration of the anesthetic, Alfaxalone in Angelfish to perform physical exams.
• Assisted in methods, experiment conduction, and recording results found.
Social Neuroscience Research: Head Laboratory Coordinator
Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory
Montclair State University: Montclair, New Jersey
Mentor: Dr. Julian Paul Keenan PhD (Neuroscience), MS
• Studied self-awareness, self-recognition, and deception with state-of-the-art TMS equipment.
• Assessed the neural structure of human/non-human intelligence via evolutionary roots of social neuroscience.
Rat Animal Therapy Research
Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) Montclair State University: Montclair, New Jersey
Mentors: Dr. Laura Conour DVM, Kelly Patterson MS
• Trained Lewis and Long Evans rodents for future use in a starting rat animal therapy program at MSU.
• Was responsible for rodent husbandry, feeding, and enclosure maintenance
Sea Urchins as a Bioindicator on Florida Key’s Ecosystem Health
Department of Biology and Marine Sciences
Montclair State University: Montclair, New Jersey
Mentor: Dr. Colette Feehan PhD
• Researched the effects climate change and disease outbreaks have of Sea Urchins on costal marine ecosystems.
• Performed video analysis, sediment turf cleanings, and microscopic evaluation on fertilized eggs
Book Chapter
*Criscione, M.J., Nelson, J., Keenan, J.P., (2020) Physiologic Research: Chapter 9. In Handbook of Research Methods in Health Psychology (1st ed.). Routledge.
Book Chapter
​Youssef, A., Criscione, M.J., Keenan, J.P., (2020) Genetics Research Methods: Chapter 4. In Handbook of Research Methods in Health Psychology (1st ed.). Routledge.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Criscione, M.J. and Keenan, J.P.(2019) Our brains make us out to be unique in ways we are not. Animal Sentience 23(38)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Kramer, R., Duran, K., Soder, H., Applegate, L., Youssef, A., Criscione, M.J., Keenan, J.P.; The Special Brain: Subclinical Grandiose Narcissism and Self-Face Recognition in the Right Prefrontal Cortex. The American Journal of Psychology 1 January 2020; 133 (4): 487–500.
Poster Presentations
Minnesota State University School of Veterinary Medicine
National Veterinary Summer Scholars Symposium:
St. Paul Minneapolis
August 2022
Montclair State University
3rd Annual Darwin Day: Montclair, New Jersey
February 2019
This project consisted of self-face recognition with transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, in subjects with narcissism! It was concluded that individuals who posses narcissism personality disorder have greater activation in the right frontal brain areas responsible for self awareness.
Professional Presentations
National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA)
Annual Symposium:
Wilmington, Delaware
February-March 2023